CSharp – Clase FTP

Written by lopezatienza on 22/12/2008 – 17:23 -

Aquí os dejo una clase FTP:



using System;

using System.Net;

using System.IO;

using System.Text;

using System.Net.Sockets;

using System.Diagnostics;


namespace FtpService


      public class FtpClient



            public class FtpException : Exception


                  public FtpException(string message) : base(message){}

                  public FtpException(string message, Exception innerException) : base(message,innerException){}



            private static int BUFFER_SIZE = 512;

            private static Encoding ASCII = Encoding.ASCII;


            private bool verboseDebugging = false;


            // defaults

            private string server = "localhost";

            private string remotePath = ".";

            private string username = "anonymous";

            private string password = "anonymous@anonymous.net";

            private string message = null;

            private string result = null;


            private int port = 21;

            private int bytes = 0;

            private int resultCode = 0;


            public bool loggedin = false;

            private bool binMode = false;


            private Byte[] buffer = new Byte[BUFFER_SIZE];

            private Socket clientSocket = null;


            private int timeoutSeconds = 10;


            /// <summary>

            /// Default contructor

            /// </summary>

            public FtpClient()



            /// <summary>


            /// </summary>

            /// <param name="server"></param>

            /// <param name="username"></param>

            /// <param name="password"></param>

            public FtpClient(string server, string username, string password)


                  this.server = server;

                  this.username = username;

                  this.password = password;


            /// <summary>


            /// </summary>

            /// <param name="server"></param>

            /// <param name="username"></param>

            /// <param name="password"></param>

            /// <param name="timeoutSeconds"></param>

            /// <param name="port"></param>

            public FtpClient(string server, string username, string password, int timeoutSeconds, int port)


                  this.server = server;

                  this.username = username;

                  this.password = password;

                  this.timeoutSeconds = timeoutSeconds;

                  this.port = port;



            /// <summary>

            /// Display all communications to the debug log

            /// </summary>

            public bool VerboseDebugging




                        return this.verboseDebugging;




                        this.verboseDebugging = value;



            /// <summary>

            /// Remote server port. Typically TCP 21

            /// </summary>

            public int Port




                        return this.port;




                        this.port = value;



            /// <summary>

            /// Timeout waiting for a response from server, in seconds.

            /// </summary>

            public int Timeout




                        return this.timeoutSeconds;




                        this.timeoutSeconds = value;



            /// <summary>

            /// Gets and Sets the name of the FTP server.

            /// </summary>

            /// <returns></returns>

            public string Server




                        return this.server;




                        this.server = value;



            /// <summary>

            /// Gets and Sets the port number.

            /// </summary>

            /// <returns></returns>

            public int RemotePort




                        return this.port;




                        this.port = value;



            /// <summary>

            /// GetS and Sets the remote directory.

            /// </summary>

            public string RemotePath




                        return this.remotePath;




                        this.remotePath = value;




            /// <summary>

            /// Gets and Sets the username.

            /// </summary>

            public string Username




                        return this.username;




                        this.username = value;



            /// <summary>

            /// Gets and Set the password.

            /// </summary>

            public string Password




                        return this.password;




                        this.password = value;




            /// <summary>

            /// If the value of mode is true, set binary mode for downloads, else, Ascii mode.

            /// </summary>

            public bool BinaryMode




                        return this.binMode;




                        if ( this.binMode == value ) return;


                        if ( value )

                             sendCommand("TYPE I");



                             sendCommand("TYPE A");


                        if ( this.resultCode != 200 ) throw new FtpException(result.Substring(4));



            /// <summary>

            /// Login to the remote server.

            /// </summary>


            public void Login()


                  if (this.loggedin) this.Close();

                  IPAddress addr = null;

                  IPEndPoint ep = null;




                        this.clientSocket = new Socket( AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp );

                        addr = IPAddress.Parse(this.server);

                        ep = new IPEndPoint(addr, this.port);



                        if(this.resultCode != 220)





                        this.sendCommand( "USER " + username );


                        if( !(this.resultCode == 331 || this.resultCode == 230) )





                        if( this.resultCode != 230 )


                             this.sendCommand( "PASS " + password );


                             if( !(this.resultCode == 230 || this.resultCode == 202) )





                                   this.loggedin = true;



                        if (loggedin)


                             Debug.WriteLine( "Connected to " + this.server, "FtpClient" );



                  catch //(Exception ex)


                        // doubtfull

                        if ( this.clientSocket != null && this.clientSocket.Connected ) this.clientSocket.Close();

                        // throw new FtpException("Couldn't connect to remote server",ex);

                        // return false;




            /// <summary>

            /// Close the FTP connection.

            /// </summary>

            public void Close()


                  Debug.WriteLine("Closing connection to " + this.server, "FtpClient" );


                  if( this.clientSocket != null )








            /// <summary>

            /// Return a string array containing the remote directory's file list.

            /// </summary>

            /// <returns></returns>

            public string[] GetFileList()


                  return this.GetFileList("*.*");



            /// <summary>

            /// Return a string array containing the remote directory's file list.

            /// </summary>

            /// <param name="mask"></param>

            /// <returns></returns>

            public string[] GetFileList(string mask)


                  if ( !this.loggedin ) this.Login();


                  Socket cSocket = createDataSocket();


                  this.sendCommand("NLST " + mask);


                  if(!(this.resultCode == 150 || this.resultCode == 125 || this.resultCode==226)) throw new FtpException(this.result.Substring(4));


                  this.message = "";


                  DateTime timeout = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(this.timeoutSeconds);


                  while( timeout > DateTime.Now )


                        int bytes = cSocket.Receive(buffer, buffer.Length, 0);

                        this.message += ASCII.GetString(buffer, 0, bytes);


                        if ( bytes < this.buffer.Length ) break;



                  string[] msg = this.message.Replace("\r","").Split('\n');




                  if ( this.message.IndexOf( "No such file or directory" ) != -1 )

                        msg = new string[]{};


                  if(this.resultCode!=226) this.readResponse();


                  if ( this.resultCode != 226 )

                        msg = new string[]{};

                  // throw new FtpException(result.Substring(4));


                  return msg;



            /// <summary>

            /// Return the size of a file.

            /// </summary>

            /// <param name="fileName"></param>

            /// <returns></returns>

            public long GetFileSize(string fileName)


                  if ( !this.loggedin ) this.Login();


                  this.sendCommand("SIZE " + fileName);

                  long size=0;


                  if ( this.resultCode == 213 )

                        size = long.Parse(this.result.Substring(4));


                        throw new FtpException(this.result.Substring(4));


                  return size;




            /// Return the date of a file.




            public DateTime getFileDate(string fileName)


                  string txTime;

                  if ( !this.loggedin ) this.Login();

                  sendCommand("MDTM " + fileName);

                  DateTime dtFile;

                  if(this.resultCode == 213)


                        txTime = this.result.Substring(8, 2) + "/"

                             + this.result.Substring(10, 2) + "/"

                             + this.result.Substring(4, 4) + " "

                             + this.result.Substring(12, 2) + ":"

                             + this.result.Substring(14, 2) + ":"

                             + this.result.Substring(16, 2);

                        dtFile = Convert.ToDateTime(txTime).ToLocalTime();



                        throw new IOException(this.result.Substring(4));

                  return dtFile;




            /// <summary>

            /// Download a file to the Assembly's local directory,

            /// keeping the same file name.

            /// </summary>

            /// <param name="remFileName"></param>

            public void Download(string remFileName)





            /// <summary>

            /// Download a remote file to the Assembly's local directory,

            /// keeping the same file name, and set the resume flag.

            /// </summary>

            /// <param name="remFileName"></param>

            /// <param name="resume"></param>

            public void Download(string remFileName,Boolean resume)





            /// <summary>

            /// Download a remote file to a local file name which can include

            /// a path. The local file name will be created or overwritten,

            /// but the path must exist.

            /// </summary>

            /// <param name="remFileName"></param>

            /// <param name="locFileName"></param>

            public void Download(string remFileName,string locFileName)





            /// <summary>

            /// Download a remote file to a local file name which can include

            /// a path, and set the resume flag. The local file name will be

            /// created or overwritten, but the path must exist.

            /// </summary>

            /// <param name="remFileName"></param>

            /// <param name="locFileName"></param>

            /// <param name="resume"></param>

            public void Download(string remFileName,string locFileName,Boolean resume)


                  if ( !this.loggedin ) this.Login();


                  this.BinaryMode = true;


                  Debug.WriteLine("Downloading file " + remFileName + " from " + server + "/" + remotePath, "FtpClient" );


                  if (locFileName.Equals(""))


                        locFileName = remFileName;



                  FileStream output = null;


                  if ( !File.Exists(locFileName) )

                        output = File.Create(locFileName);


                        output = new FileStream(locFileName,FileMode.Open);


                  Socket cSocket = createDataSocket();


                  long offset = 0;


                  if ( resume )


                        offset = output.Length;


                        if ( offset > 0 )


                             this.sendCommand( "REST " + offset );

                             if ( this.resultCode != 350 )


                                   //Server dosnt support resuming

                                   offset = 0;

                                   Debug.WriteLine("Resuming not supported:" + result.Substring(4), "FtpClient" );




                                   Debug.WriteLine("Resuming at offset " + offset, "FtpClient" );

                                   output.Seek( offset, SeekOrigin.Begin );





                  this.sendCommand("RETR " + remFileName);


                  if ( this.resultCode != 150 && this.resultCode != 125 )


                        if (this.resultCode != 226 && this.resultCode != 250)

                             throw new FtpException(this.result.Substring(4));



                  DateTime timeout = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(this.timeoutSeconds);


                  while ( timeout > DateTime.Now )


                        this.bytes = cSocket.Receive(buffer, buffer.Length, 0);



                        if ( this.bytes <= 0)








                  // this.readResponse();


                  if ( cSocket.Connected ) cSocket.Close();


                  // if( this.resultCode != 226 && this.resultCode != 250 )

                  // throw new FtpException(this.result.Substring(4));




            /// <summary>

            /// Upload a file.

            /// </summary>

            /// <param name="fileName"></param>

            public void Upload(string fileName)






            /// <summary>

            /// Upload a file and set the resume flag.

            /// </summary>

            /// <param name="fileName"></param>

            /// <param name="resume"></param>

            public void Upload(string fileName, bool resume)


                  if ( !this.loggedin ) this.Login();


                  Socket cSocket = null ;

                  long offset = 0;


                  if ( resume )




                             this.BinaryMode = true;


                             offset = GetFileSize( Path.GetFileName(fileName) );




                             // file not exist

                             offset = 0;




                  // open stream to read file

                  FileStream input = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open);


                  if ( resume && input.Length < offset )


                        // different file size

                        Debug.WriteLine("Overwriting " + fileName, "FtpClient");

                        offset = 0;


                  else if ( resume && input.Length == offset )


                        // file done


                        Debug.WriteLine("Skipping completed " + fileName + " - turn resume off to not detect.", "FtpClient");




                  // dont create untill we know that we need it

                  cSocket = this.createDataSocket();


                  if ( offset > 0 )


                        this.sendCommand( "REST " + offset );

                        if ( this.resultCode != 350 )


                             Debug.WriteLine("Resuming not supported", "FtpClient");

                             offset = 0;




                  this.sendCommand( "STOR " + Path.GetFileName(fileName) );


                  if ( this.resultCode != 125 && this.resultCode != 150 ) throw new FtpException(result.Substring(4));


                  if ( offset != 0 )


                        Debug.WriteLine("Resuming at offset " + offset, "FtpClient" );





                  Debug.WriteLine( "Uploading file " + fileName + " to " + remotePath, "FtpClient" );


                  while ((bytes = input.Read(buffer,0,buffer.Length)) > 0)


                        cSocket.Send(buffer, bytes, 0);





                  // this.readResponse();


                  if (cSocket.Connected)






            /// <summary>

            /// Upload a directory and its file contents

            /// </summary>

            /// <param name="path"></param>

            /// <param name="recurse">Whether to recurse sub directories</param>

            public void UploadDirectory(string path, bool recurse)





            /// <summary>

            /// Upload a directory and its file contents

            /// </summary>

            /// <param name="path"></param>

            /// <param name="recurse">Whether to recurse sub directories</param>

            /// <param name="mask">Only upload files of the given mask - everything is '*.*'</param>

            public void UploadDirectory(string path, bool recurse, string mask)


                  string[] dirs = path.Replace("/",@"\").Split('\\');

                  string rootDir = dirs[ dirs.Length - 1 ];


                  // make the root dir if it doed not exist

                  if ( this.GetFileList(rootDir).Length < 1 ) this.MakeDir(rootDir);




                  foreach ( string file in Directory.GetFiles(path,mask) )




                  if ( recurse )


                        foreach ( string directory in Directory.GetDirectories(path) )









            /// <summary>

            /// Delete a file from the remote FTP server.

            /// </summary>

            /// <param name="fileName"></param>

            public void DeleteFile(string fileName)


                  if ( !this.loggedin ) this.Login();


                  this.sendCommand( "DELE " + fileName );


                  if ( this.resultCode != 250 ) throw new FtpException(this.result.Substring(4));


                  Debug.WriteLine( "Deleted file " + fileName, "FtpClient" );



            /// <summary>

            /// Rename a file on the remote FTP server.

            /// </summary>

            /// <param name="oldFileName"></param>

            /// <param name="newFileName"></param>

            /// <param name="overwrite">setting to false will throw exception if it exists</param>

            public void RenameFile(string oldFileName,string newFileName, bool overwrite)


                  if ( !this.loggedin ) this.Login();


                  this.sendCommand( "RNFR " + oldFileName );


                  if ( this.resultCode != 350 ) throw new FtpException(this.result.Substring(4));


                  if ( !overwrite && this.GetFileList(newFileName).Length > 0 ) throw new FtpException("File already exists");


                  this.sendCommand( "RNTO " + newFileName );


                  if ( this.resultCode != 250 ) throw new FtpException(this.result.Substring(4));


                  Debug.WriteLine( "Renamed file " + oldFileName + " to " + newFileName, "FtpClient" );



            /// <summary>

            /// Create a directory on the remote FTP server.

            /// </summary>

            /// <param name="dirName"></param>

            public void MakeDir(string dirName)


                  if ( !this.loggedin ) this.Login();


                  this.sendCommand( "MKD " + dirName );


                  if ( this.resultCode != 250 && this.resultCode != 257 ) throw new FtpException(this.result.Substring(4));


                  Debug.WriteLine( "Created directory " + dirName, "FtpClient" );



            /// <summary>

            /// Delete a directory on the remote FTP server.

            /// </summary>

            /// <param name="dirName"></param>

            public void RemoveDir(string dirName)


                  if ( !this.loggedin ) this.Login();


                  this.sendCommand( "RMD " + dirName );


                  if ( this.resultCode != 250 ) throw new FtpException(this.result.Substring(4));


                  Debug.WriteLine( "Removed directory " + dirName, "FtpClient" );



            /// <summary>

            /// Change the current working directory on the remote FTP server.

            /// </summary>

            /// <param name="dirName"></param>

            public void ChangeDir(string dirName)


                  if( dirName == null || dirName.Equals(".") || dirName.Length == 0 )





                  if ( !this.loggedin ) this.Login();


                  this.sendCommand( "CWD " + dirName );


                  if ( this.resultCode != 250 ) throw new FtpException("ChangeDir1 " + result.Substring(4));


                  this.sendCommand( "PWD" );


                  if ( this.resultCode != 257 ) throw new FtpException("ChangeDir1 " + result.Substring(4));


                  // gonna have to do better than this....

                  this.remotePath = this.message.Split('"')[1];


                  Debug.WriteLine( "Current directory is " + this.remotePath, "FtpClient" );



            /// <summary>


            /// </summary>

            private void readResponse()


                  this.message = "";

                  if ( this.result.Length > 3 )

                        this.resultCode = int.Parse( this.result.Substring(0,3) );


                        this.result = null;



            /// <summary>


            /// </summary>

            /// <returns></returns>

            private string readLine()




                        this.bytes = clientSocket.Receive( this.buffer, this.buffer.Length, 0 );

                        this.message += ASCII.GetString( this.buffer, 0, this.bytes );


                        if ( this.bytes < this.buffer.Length )






                  string[] msg = this.message.Split('\n');


                  if ( this.message.Length > 2 )

                        this.message = msg[ msg.Length - 2 ];



                        this.message = msg[0];



                  if ( this.message.Length > 4 && !this.message.Substring(3,1).Equals(" ") ) return this.readLine();


                  if ( this.verboseDebugging )


                        for(int i = 0; i < msg.Length - 1; i++)


                             Debug.Write( msg[i], "FtpClient" );




                  return message;



            /// <summary>


            /// </summary>

            /// <param name="command"></param>

            private void sendCommand(string command)




                        if ( this.verboseDebugging ) Debug.WriteLine(command,"FtpClient");


                        Byte[] cmdBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes( ( command + "\r\n" ).ToCharArray() );

                        clientSocket.Send( cmdBytes, cmdBytes.Length, 0);








            /// <summary>

            /// when doing data transfers, we need to open another socket for it.

            /// </summary>

            /// <returns>Connected socket</returns>

            private Socket createDataSocket()


                  char[] chArray;



                  if ( this.resultCode != 227 ) throw new FtpException(this.result.Substring(4));


                  int index1 = this.result.IndexOf('(');

                  int index2 = this.result.IndexOf(')');


                  string ipData = this.result.Substring(index1+1,index2-index1-1);


                  int[] parts = new int[6];


                  int len = ipData.Length;

                  int partCount = 0;

                  string buf="";


                  for (int i = 0; i < len && partCount <= 6; i++)


                        // char ch = char.Parse(ipData.Substring(i,1));

                        chArray = ipData.ToCharArray();

                        char ch = chArray[i];


                        if ( char.IsDigit(ch) )



                        else if (ch != ',')

                             throw new FtpException("Malformed PASV result: " + result);


                        if ( ch == ',' || i+1 == len )




                                   parts[partCount++] = int.Parse(buf);

                                   buf = "";


                             catch (Exception ex)


                                   throw new FtpException("Malformed PASV result (not supported?): " + this.result, ex);





                  string ipAddress = parts[0] + "."+ parts[1]+ "." + parts[2] + "." + parts[3];


                  int port = (parts[4] << 8)+ parts[5];

                  //int port = 21;


                        Socket socket = null;

                  IPEndPoint ep = null;




                        socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork,SocketType.Stream,ProtocolType.Tcp);

                        IPAddress addr = IPAddress.Parse(ipAddress);

                        ep = new IPEndPoint(addr, port);



                  catch(Exception ex)


                        // doubtfull....

                        if ( socket != null && socket.Connected ) socket.Close();


                        throw new FtpException("Can't connect to remote server", ex);



                  return socket;



            /// <summary>

            /// Always release those sockets.

            /// </summary>

            private void cleanup()


                  if ( this.clientSocket!=null )



                        this.clientSocket = null;


                  this.loggedin = false;



            /// <summary>

            /// Destuctor

            /// </summary>








            #region Async methods (auto generated)



            WinInetApi.FtpClient ftp = new WinInetApi.FtpClient();


            MethodInfo[] methods = ftp.GetType().GetMethods(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly|BindingFlags.Instance|BindingFlags.Public);


            foreach ( MethodInfo method in methods )


            string param = "";

            string values = "";

            foreach ( ParameterInfo i in method.GetParameters() )


            param += i.ParameterType.Name + " " + i.Name + ",";

            values += i.Name + ",";




            Debug.WriteLine("private delegate " + method.ReturnType.Name + " " + method.Name + "Callback(" + param.TrimEnd(',') + ");");


            Debug.WriteLine("public System.IAsyncResult Begin" + method.Name + "( " + param + " System.AsyncCallback callback )");


            Debug.WriteLine("" + method.Name + "Callback ftpCallback = new " + method.Name + "Callback(" + values + " this." + method.Name + ");");

            Debug.WriteLine("return ftpCallback.BeginInvoke(callback, null);");


            Debug.WriteLine("public void End" + method.Name + "(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult)");


            Debug.WriteLine(method.Name + "Callback fc = (" + method.Name + "Callback) ((AsyncResult)asyncResult).AsyncDelegate;");








            private delegate void LoginCallback();

            public System.IAsyncResult BeginLogin( System.AsyncCallback callback )


                  LoginCallback ftpCallback = new LoginCallback(this.Login);

                  return ftpCallback.BeginInvoke(callback, null);


            private delegate void CloseCallback();

            public System.IAsyncResult BeginClose( System.AsyncCallback callback )


                  CloseCallback ftpCallback = new CloseCallback( this.Close);

                  return ftpCallback.BeginInvoke(callback, null);


            private delegate string[] GetFileListCallback();

            public System.IAsyncResult BeginGetFileList( System.AsyncCallback callback )


                  GetFileListCallback ftpCallback = new GetFileListCallback( this.GetFileList);

                  return ftpCallback.BeginInvoke(callback, null);


            private delegate string[] GetFileListMaskCallback(string mask);

            public System.IAsyncResult BeginGetFileList( string mask, System.AsyncCallback callback )


                  GetFileListMaskCallback ftpCallback = new GetFileListMaskCallback(this.GetFileList);

                  return ftpCallback.BeginInvoke(mask, callback, null);


            private delegate Int64 GetFileSizeCallback(string fileName);

            public System.IAsyncResult BeginGetFileSize( string fileName, System.AsyncCallback callback )


                  GetFileSizeCallback ftpCallback = new GetFileSizeCallback(this.GetFileSize);

                  return ftpCallback.BeginInvoke(fileName, callback, null);


            private delegate void DownloadCallback(string remFileName);

            public System.IAsyncResult BeginDownload( string remFileName, System.AsyncCallback callback )


                  DownloadCallback ftpCallback = new DownloadCallback(this.Download);

                  return ftpCallback.BeginInvoke(remFileName, callback, null);


            private delegate void DownloadFileNameResumeCallback(string remFileName,Boolean resume);

            public System.IAsyncResult BeginDownload( string remFileName,Boolean resume, System.AsyncCallback callback )


                  DownloadFileNameResumeCallback ftpCallback = new DownloadFileNameResumeCallback(this.Download);

                  return ftpCallback.BeginInvoke(remFileName, resume, callback, null);


            private delegate void DownloadFileNameFileNameCallback(string remFileName,string locFileName);

            public System.IAsyncResult BeginDownload( string remFileName,string locFileName, System.AsyncCallback callback )


                  DownloadFileNameFileNameCallback ftpCallback = new DownloadFileNameFileNameCallback(this.Download);

                  return ftpCallback.BeginInvoke(remFileName, locFileName, callback, null);


            private delegate void DownloadFileNameFileNameResumeCallback(string remFileName,string locFileName,Boolean resume);

            public System.IAsyncResult BeginDownload( string remFileName,string locFileName,Boolean resume, System.AsyncCallback callback )


                  DownloadFileNameFileNameResumeCallback ftpCallback = new DownloadFileNameFileNameResumeCallback(this.Download);

                  return ftpCallback.BeginInvoke(remFileName, locFileName, resume, callback, null);


            private delegate void UploadCallback(string fileName);

            public System.IAsyncResult BeginUpload( string fileName, System.AsyncCallback callback )


                  UploadCallback ftpCallback = new UploadCallback(this.Upload);

                  return ftpCallback.BeginInvoke(fileName, callback, null);


            private delegate void UploadFileNameResumeCallback(string fileName,Boolean resume);

            public System.IAsyncResult BeginUpload( string fileName,Boolean resume, System.AsyncCallback callback )


                  UploadFileNameResumeCallback ftpCallback = new UploadFileNameResumeCallback(this.Upload);

                  return ftpCallback.BeginInvoke(fileName, resume, callback, null);


            private delegate void UploadDirectoryCallback(string path,Boolean recurse);

            public System.IAsyncResult BeginUploadDirectory( string path,Boolean recurse, System.AsyncCallback callback )


                  UploadDirectoryCallback ftpCallback = new UploadDirectoryCallback(this.UploadDirectory);

                  return ftpCallback.BeginInvoke(path, recurse, callback, null);


            private delegate void UploadDirectoryPathRecurseMaskCallback(string path,Boolean recurse,string mask);

            public System.IAsyncResult BeginUploadDirectory( string path,Boolean recurse,string mask, System.AsyncCallback callback )


                  UploadDirectoryPathRecurseMaskCallback ftpCallback = new UploadDirectoryPathRecurseMaskCallback(this.UploadDirectory);

                  return ftpCallback.BeginInvoke(path, recurse, mask, callback, null);


            private delegate void DeleteFileCallback(string fileName);

            public System.IAsyncResult BeginDeleteFile( string fileName, System.AsyncCallback callback )


                  DeleteFileCallback ftpCallback = new DeleteFileCallback(this.DeleteFile);

                  return ftpCallback.BeginInvoke(fileName, callback, null);


            private delegate void RenameFileCallback(string oldFileName,string newFileName,Boolean overwrite);

            public System.IAsyncResult BeginRenameFile( string oldFileName,string newFileName,Boolean overwrite, System.AsyncCallback callback )


                  RenameFileCallback ftpCallback = new RenameFileCallback(this.RenameFile);

                  return ftpCallback.BeginInvoke(oldFileName, newFileName, overwrite, callback, null);


            private delegate void MakeDirCallback(string dirName);

            public System.IAsyncResult BeginMakeDir( string dirName, System.AsyncCallback callback )


                  MakeDirCallback ftpCallback = new MakeDirCallback(this.MakeDir);

                  return ftpCallback.BeginInvoke(dirName, callback, null);


            private delegate void RemoveDirCallback(string dirName);

            public System.IAsyncResult BeginRemoveDir( string dirName, System.AsyncCallback callback )


                  RemoveDirCallback ftpCallback = new RemoveDirCallback(this.RemoveDir);

                  return ftpCallback.BeginInvoke(dirName, callback, null);


            private delegate void ChangeDirCallback(string dirName);

            public System.IAsyncResult BeginChangeDir( string dirName, System.AsyncCallback callback )


                  ChangeDirCallback ftpCallback = new ChangeDirCallback(this.ChangeDir);

                  return ftpCallback.BeginInvoke(dirName, callback, null);






Autor: Antonio Lopez Atienza

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Posted in CSharp | 2 Comments »

2 Comments to “CSharp – Clase FTP”

  1. Omar Says:

    Hola.. si funciona tu clase ? Gracias

  2. lopezatienza Says:

    ¿Preguntas si funciona la clase?

    Si es eso si que funciona perfectamente, está probada.

    Un saludo

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